MetaStudio is a Decentralized Platform for content creators and influencers

Sop Sop
5 min readMay 8, 2023



A fresh out of the plastic new, dynamite stage that was made in the metaverse has been disclosed to the computerized world, permitting clients (content makers) to sell their works in all out obscurity, hold responsibility for, and assume full command of the cycle as well as the cost and benefit. META STUDIO is the name of that stage.

What Is a Blockchain?

A blockchain is a disseminated information base or record that is divided between the hubs of a PC organization. Blockchains are most popular for their pivotal job in digital money frameworks, like Bitcoin, for keeping a solid and decentralized record of exchanges. The development with a blockchain is that it ensures the devotion and security of a record of information and produces trust without the requirement for a confided in outsider.

One vital contrast between a regular information base and a blockchain is the way the information is organized. A Blocks have specific capacity limits and, when filled, are shut and connected to the recently filled block, framing a chain of information known as the blockchain. All new data that follows that newly added block is gathered into a recently shaped block that will then, at that point, likewise be added to the chain once filled.

The cryptographic money market has had a new development in prevalence, giving financial backers from everywhere the world with a lot of new open doors. Financial backers, then again, are continually searching for ways of expanding their income by improving their strategies and approaches.

1.Full DAO (Decentralized Independent Association).

This implies you and different makers, clients, financial backers, all $METAS holders will choose by fair decision on all parts of the stage administration, from setting up rules to executing them, what bearings will the stage advance from here on out, how to oversee funds, etc.

2.All Your Manifestations

are 100 percent Your Property regardless of whether you transfer and sell them through Meta Studio. That’s it “When you transfer we get the right to … “ like the present stages.

3.Full Protection

You join utilizing your ideal ensured wallet and you can begin as quickly as possible without any inquiries posed.

4.No Stage “Expenses”

100 percent of the Pay You Produce is Yours (after a straightforward derivation of stage costs partitioned equivalent and relative to every substance maker). That’s it “Expenses”, simply Straightforward Expenses.


Since Meta Studio is Based on Blockchain and In light of Shrewd Agreements, All Client Connections are Protected. You are 100 percent sure to get compensated when you sell and 100 percent sure to get what you paid for when you purchase.

META STUDIO FOR Financial backers

Laid out and impending brands the same are hurrying to get into “the Metaverse”, yet most action so far is based on land, retail and gaming. Meta Studio is an exemplary illustration of a ‘blue sea’ business opportunity, being the web-based stage for makers that permits them to improve business in this new computerized space. This creates $METAS a special open door for beginning phase financial backers and makers the same, so rush to be among quick to participate and guarantee your metaverse business space!

OUR Propelled Team

Our establishing group has more than 10 years of involvement working with content makers and powerhouses, has never sent off any tokens and is here to fabricate a drawn out stage tending to the genuine necessities of it’s clients.

Our organization, Meta Studio Land AS, is situated in Switzerland, has a 100,000 CHF bought in capital and worked is full legitimate edge under the principles and endorsement by


Brand book
Web-based Entertainment and Networks
General Introduction Site
Content: text, pennants, how to recordings
Make and send off the Showcasing plan
Make Item Guide
Financial backer Pitch
Project Specialized Arrangement (KYC, lawful, and so forth)
FINMA token deal endorsement
Building associations
Make and send off Advertising plan
Make Item Guide
Brilliant Agreement Advancement
Review of Brilliant Agreement (Quantstamp)

Begin pitching financial backers
Local area $METAS deal (unique value, restricted to 100$ per client)
Meta Studio First NFT Assortment On special
Send off of the Accomplice Program “Meta Studio Makers Group”
Concluding Platfrom Plan and Profound Specs (along with accomplice makers)
Item Advancement Progresses forward with the Blockchain Engineering and MetaStudio V1 (versatile application)
Confidential testing
Posting on Coinmarketcap
Showcasing Effort Start
Send off of V1
No doubt
CEX Posting

Growing Full and New Highlights in view of DAO choices;
Dealing with the Vivid Stage (Metaverse)
Arriving at initial 5 million clients (10% of content makers and clients which likewise regularly utilize a crypto wallet) with a typical yearly spend of 100 USD so a turnover of 500,000,000 USD.

We are making a metaverse stage where you can sell your substance in full security, hold proprietorship, get all the benefit and decide. You can turn into a substance maker, decoration, mentor or any sort of specialist.

MetaStudio is a Decentralized Stage for content makers and powerhouses, offering Full Possession, DAO the board, WEB3 Protection and Simple to-utilize Insight. It is the primary venture to make a decentralized business universe devoted to makers, and plans to deliver its MVP as a versatile application variant in most extreme 1 YEAR after seed


Website ;

Twitter ;

Telegram ;

discord ;

reddit ;

Nama Pengguna Bitcointalk: manufactured

Tautan profil BitcoinTalk:;u=2600928

Nama Pengguna Telegram: @manufactured

Discord Usernam ; manufactured#9123

wallet ; 0x21aE9Eb429d704dA5F80eeE7900d62dd0C8C57D5

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