Work X: the first decentralized job economy empowering both talent and employers without commercial fees

Sop Sop
8 min readNov 15, 2023


Talent is scarce and hard to come by. Companies are only as valuable as the talent they employ. The people who build products are the drivers behind innovation and growth. Yet finding and measuring available talent is hard. Connecting and matching talent to high-performance teams within the right companies is even harder. Currently, connecting the supply and demand of work is a highly inefficient (human) process with expensive recruiters, job boards (that take high fees) and assessment- and education providers. In these processes, there are few resources for measuring and matching the skills of people and teams.

Platform Economies
The rise of platform economies has blurred the relationship between employers and employees, between freelancers and customers. It is becoming commonplace to hire flexible workers instead of fixed staff, due to technological developments and the pandemic. The effect of geographical barriers grow smaller or might even disappear as a whole.
Commercial freelance/gig platforms like Upwork and Fiverr take advantage of this opportunity. They are rising quickly, representing a paradigm shift in how we will work in the future. However, these platforms suffer from economically inefficient business models: Fiverr takes a 20% commission from its workers, whether they’re working a $10 gig or a $100 gig. Upwork works with fixed commissions up to $500. All other platform economies take a minimum of 15% commission on a simple transaction (, Airbnb, Uber, DoorDash, Deliveroo, etc.). These platforms charge high commissions for relatively simple services such as payrolling and ‘matching’. A shift to decentralized business models where people can engage in peer-to-peer business will greatly decrease the commissions taken by a matching platform. With the technologies of today, Work X can ensure a matchmaking environment, for a maximum network commission of 5%.

Measuring Skills To Match The Jobs of Tomorrow
For a very long time, university grades and diplomas have been the most important measurement in the application process of candidates to land jobs. Education credentials tell a lot about a candidate, but they do not measure the actual knowledge and skills. Through personalized assessments, more and more skills, characteristics and preferences of people are measurable[9]. We refer to these measurement points as (work performance) ’indicators’. It is our focus to measure the teams that are looking for new talent, and to measure the talent that is looking for a new team, to predict an optimal match between them. In this way, we will eliminate mismatches on the labor market, and ensure the right deployment of talent, anywhere.

Data Ownership

People have lost control over not only their data, but also over their careers and personal development. In the early days of the internet the value of data was highly underestimated. Big tech companies such as Google, Face- book & LinkedIn who focused on data where able to profit from this, and they created a new business model with free services in exchange for the personal data of the user. Today, people slowly begin to realize that they have to regain control over their personal data, their education and development as it can also be used against them.

Work X provides a solution for this, while also exploring a possible solution to the wider data-related problem. Historically, enterprises are very hesitant to share data with other companies, due to privacy concerns and ultimately losing their competitive advantage. This cripples their ability to train an accurate A.I., and gather valuable insights. We strongly believe in giving back personal data to individuals. We see this as a win-win for both the individual as well as enterprises and the key to both fair economic and personal success.

The Internet of Jobs: Work X

Work X will facilitate a zero marginal cost platform economy called ‘The Internet of Jobs’. A growing number of workers are no longer employed in along-term job but are hired for ‘gigs’. These workers are often working under flexible arrangements as independent contractors. They are not getting a contract but are hired for a particular task or for a defined time. The connection between the employer and the ‘employee’ is much more like the relationship between a company and a client. [1] As stated above, it is becoming commonplace to hire flexible workers instead of fixed staff. The employer acts as a client and is often not even in the same physical location as the worker. Gig and freelance platforms are on the rise, accelerated by the global COVID pandemic. From 2002 to 2014, gig economy workers increased by 15%. Between 2010 and 2014, the growth in independent contractors accounted for almost 30% of all added jobs worldwide

Problem Statement

Platform and gig economies charge high commissions (up to 30%) for simple services like payrolling and connecting. They advertise a solid match, but there is no real matching mechanism to be found. They merely provide a marketplace for supply and demand. From the perspective of the middlemen, the platform economy is very efficient; however, from a macroeconomic point of view, it’s unsustainable.


Although the current solution is unsustainable, technological developments have made it easier to bridge the gap between employers and employees. In a world of constant technological developments, the question arises whether the prices charged by freelance platforms are derived from a sustainable and efficient business model. Given the emergence of decentralized marketplaces and the trend of disinter- mediation, the business model of freelance platforms might prove inefficient and unsustainable business model. The goal of Work X is to create an economically optimal efficient platform for any type of work
with any contract where commissions are minimized and salaries optimized. Additionally, Work X will aim to match supply and demand
through a ground breaking technology platform called Work X Platform. The Work X Platform and its various services can be accessed
by the token of Work X ($WORK). User have to possibility to interact with the Work X Platform using have the possibility to interact
with the Work X Platform with that token.


To achieve a decentralized platform economy for work, a larger ecosystem is designed around Work X. Work X will function like a highly efficient highway for work. However, a highway without tolls alone is not enough to attract people to use it. Various services will be placed along the highway to make it easier for people to get from point A to point B


When you are looking for someone who can clean your house or repair something, a good reputation score and a fair price might be enough to hire a certain service provider. However, when you are hiring someone for a jobs that requires proven qualifications and/or full-time jobs, you are likely to care more about the match. If you are looking for a job, you want to find something that fits your skillset, characteristics, preferences and work culture. For these reasons we introduce WorkPi: a separate organisation that provides the means to enrich data profiles with an open marketplace for assessments and development courses. WorkPi also offers an enterprise solution to help employers identify what kind of indicators make their employees successful and satisfied in their jobs. There
are major misconceptions about which indicators are decisive for success, and these indicators cause companies to look in the wrong direction for talent. Also, due to technological developments, jobs are changing exponentially, while employees develop linearly. If a company waits long enough, large skill gaps arise with costly consequences of +/- 1 million USD and various effects, such as mentioned below:

• Productivity loss: 45%
• Revenue loss: 26%
• Higher employee turnover: 40%
• Lower morale: 39%
• Lower-quality work: 37%
• Inability to grow business: 29%

WorkPi has developed a minimal viable product (MVP) for a first enterprise client in the finance industry with 3.000 employees. In the near future WorkPi will expand this MVP into a full-fledged software-as-a-service (SaaS) tool that can be used by any employer in the world with a simple subscription. The pipeline of WorkPi is filled with 50 companies that are interested in using the tool when it launches (est. Q4 2021-Q1 2022). The employers that are using WorkPi to measure and develop their employees will also be able to list vacancies on Work X and recruit candidates. These candidates can participate in the exact same assessments as the employees to gather matching data. This way, the employer doesn’t need to recruit large numbers of candidates. Instead

Token Distribution and Fund Allocation

At the the Token Generation Event (TGE), the generated tokens and funds will be allocated proportionally to different use-cases and operations. In the ”Vesting” column of Table 1 you can see the vesting period of each of these token allocations in months. Not only tokens bought by early buyers will have a vesting period, in fact the buyers have some of the lowest vesting periods while most of the Work X allocations vest over longer time frames. For example the intended DAO will gradually unlock it’s funds over 5 years without any tokens being unlocked at TGE.





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